Monday, January 7, 2008

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography


Decision In Philadelphia, The Constitutional
Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier, The
Random House Publishing Group, copyright 1986, New York
This source helps us to understand the background of
the delegate who proposed the compromise. We will use
this source to help us learn about the delegate who
proposed the compromise at the convention. This is a
secondary source.

Philadelphia & The Pennsylvania Dutch Country
Richard Varr, DK Publishing Inc., copyrite 2005, New
This source helps us to understand basic info about
the constitution. We can use this source to help us to
understand the constitution. This is a secondary

Miracle at Philadelphia
Catherine Drinker Bowen, Avenue of the Americas,
copyrite 1966.
This source helps us to understand how important the
compromise was to the convention. We will use this
source to help us understand how important the
compromise was to the convention. This is a secondary

A Brilliant Solution
Carol Berk, Harcourt Books, copyrite 2002
This source tell you what happened in story form. This helps us to understand who proposed what exactly it gives you some interesting information about New York and Delaware.

We the People
Center for Civic Education, U.S. Department of Education, copyright 1995
This source explains the great compromise and what it does it also tells you how the compromise works.

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