Thursday, January 3, 2008

N.H.D. Topic Essay

My Topic Essay

For this year National History Day project my partner and I decided to create an exhibit on the “The Great Compromise” or what other people call “The Connecticut Compromise”. “The Great Compromise” was a resolution to a dispute between New Jersey and Virginia. This happened at the Constitutional convention. The Constitutional convention occurred in 1787 in Philadelphia.

I chose this topic because I am very interested in the Constitution and I knew that this was a topic I could get a lot of information on. While researching this topic I hope to find out each state view on the conflict and why did they agree on the compromise. I also would like to find out which delegates agreed with the conflict and if any who disagreed with the compromise.

My topic connects to this years theme because it talks about a conflict that occurred at the Constitutional convention and after a long debate a compromise settled the dispute. So it is a conflict and a compromise.

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